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My chronic back pain has improved noticeably, my energy levels are much higher...

I’ve been working with Erin using coaching sessions as well as Qi Gong instruction. I began seeing positive changes in all areas of my life almost immediately. My chronic back pain has improved noticeably, my energy levels are much higher and I feel less stressed and am much more resilient in my daily life. ...was impressed with the results I gained even though I am not a person with meditation experience. I left feeling calmer and pain free.


After a short time working with you...

My back/leg pain has improved - I only have an occasional twinge in my lower back. My PT feels it was all related and contributing to the pain in my leg/ankle. I have started jogging on the treadmill again the last few days and the pain has not returned, yay! I have been sleeping amazingly! I just started my cycle today and this last week should have been hell with sleep/night sweats, etc and nothing!! I had zero sweats, I have crashed and slept hard... able to stay asleep longer.


...this program is very different from anything else...

I didn't expect this to be easy. I've spent 10 years or more digging myself this hole - so I know it is going to take hard work to get out. I feel it deeply that this program is very different from anything else I've ever done. You have a way of saying things that really makes me think. And this statement you made... "Whatever brings you the most pain, or the most worry - is where your personal power is locked up."